Ultimate Guide to Moving

Navigating the Home Buying Process: Your Ultimate Guide to Moving

Monday Apr 08th, 2024


Moving into a new home involves managing numerous tasks simultaneously, and it's easy to overlook small details. With so many moving pieces to juggle, the process can feel overwhelming, especially when factoring in family, pets, and everything in between!

Whether your next move is to rent or purchase, it's essential to consider key aspects to ensure a smooth and stress-free relocation experience. Below, I outline important considerations to help you manage your relocation efficiently and effectively.

How a REALTOR® Helps from the Beginning

No matter where you're looking to call home, REALTORS® are invaluable allies throughout your journey. Here's how they can assist:

  • Local Expertise: REALTORS® offer insights into the local real estate market, neighborhoods, and pricing trends.
  • Support for Remote Moves: They can facilitate inter-province or international moves, allowing you to make informed decisions without seeing properties in person.
  • Negotiation Assistance: REALTORS® advocate for you during negotiations and guide you through paperwork.
  • Access to Listings: They provide access to the latest listings and have a vast network to help you find your dream home.
  • Emotional Support: REALTORS® offer support and recommend service providers to ease your transition.

If you're exploring listings in Peterborough and Kawartha, reach out to me for the most up-to-date properties.What to Include in Your Moving Timeline


Creating Your Moving Timeline: Essential Considerations

After finalizing your new home location and completing the necessary paperwork, it's crucial to develop a comprehensive moving timeline. While each timeline varies, here are key questions to address:

  1. Possession Details: Determine the day and time you gain possession of your new space.

  2. Vacating Deadlines: Establish the day and time you must vacate your current residence.

  3. Tenancy Notices: If renting, establish when to give your landlord an end-of-tenancy notice.

  4. Moving Assistance: Decide on preferred days for moving company or friends to assist.

  5. Packing Completion: Set a deadline for completing all packing tasks (pro tip: aim for about a week).

  6. Packing Supplies: Determine when to purchase all necessary packing materials.

  7. De-cluttering Schedule: Establish when to start de-cluttering belongings.

  8. Condominium: If moving into a condo, determine when to reserve elevators/parking.

  9. Pet and Child Care Plan: Outline your plan for caring for pets and children during the move.

  10. Move-Out Cleaning: Define your move-out cleaning requirements and schedule.

  11. Work Leave: Determine how many days (if any) you'd like to book off work for the move.

  12. Travel Arrangements: If traveling for the move, establish arrival time in the new neighborhood and necessary arrangements.

  13. Utility Transfers: Decide when utilities will transfer to your new residence.

  14. Service Transfers: Determine if any other services need transferring and set timelines.

  15. Address Notifications: Identify who needs to be notified of your new address.

Once you've addressed these questions, populate your timeline accordingly, ensuring ample lead time for each task before the moving day.

Tip: If closing dates for your previous and new homes don't align, consider interim rental and storage accommodations to bridge the gap effectively.


Preparing Your Home for a Smooth Move

To streamline the moving process and minimize headaches (and backaches), de-cluttering is key. Here's how to prepare your home effectively:

  1. De-cluttering Process: Begin de-cluttering about six weeks before your move. Use a three-pile method to categorize items for disposal, sale, or donation as you work through each room.

  2. Yard Sale or Online Selling: Depending on your preference, consider organizing a yard sale or selling used items on online platforms like Facebook Marketplace. This helps lighten your load and potentially earn some extra cash.

  3. Room Measurements: Take measurements of the room dimensions in your new space to plan furniture placement. Determine if larger furniture pieces can fit through door frames or if downsizing is necessary.

  4. Packing Supplies: Purchase, borrow, or rent all necessary packing supplies such as tape, bubble wrap, markers, and specialty boxes like dish barrels or wardrobe boxes. Pack lesser-used items as you de-clutter to streamline the process.

  5. Free Boxes: Utilize cardboard recycle bins behind grocery or department stores to find free boxes of various sizes. Reusing these boxes is both eco-friendly and cost-effective.

  6. Meal Planning: Consider creating a move-ready meal plan to consume perishable items from your fridge and pantry. This helps reduce excess weight and bulk on moving day.

By following these steps, you can efficiently prepare your home for a seamless and stress-free move.

Packing Tips for a Smooth Move:

  1. Prioritize Packing: Start with rooms or items used least often.
  2. Label Boxes: Clearly label boxes with destination rooms and note if they're heavy or fragile. Label both top and sides for easy identification.
  3. Special Items: Note items of sentimental value or high cost for extra care during transport.
  4. Packing Guidelines:
    • Light Items (Linens, Pillows): Use larger boxes or bins.
    • Heavy Decor, Books: Opt for small boxes to prevent them from becoming too heavy.
    • Liquids: Use totes with secure lids.
    • Dishes, China: Pack in small to medium-sized boxes, vertically stacked and wrapped in protective material.
    • Clothes: Utilize wardrobe boxes or laundry baskets/garbage bags.
    • Lamps: Remove light bulbs and pack separately.
    • Tall Items, Art, Mirrors: Use wardrobe boxes or specific transportation boxes.
  5. Open-First Box: Pack essentials for the first few nights in a designated box to avoid rummaging through all belongings.
  6. Consider Professional Help: If packing feels overwhelming, hire a professional organizer or moving company offering packing services.

What to Expect on Possession Day:

Possession day marks a milestone, whether you're renting or buying. Here's what happens:

Seller Responsibilities:

  • Hand over keys to your REALTOR®, clear out belongings, and ensure the space is clean.
  • If negotiated, leave agreed-upon "included items" detailed in the contract.
  • Ensure any pre-possession maintenance or repairs are fulfilled.

Buyer Steps:

  • Receive keys to your new home and conduct a thorough walk-through with your REALTOR®.
  • Confirm inclusion of agreed-upon items and check for any maintenance or repair issues.
  • For new builds, perform a deficiency walk-through one to two weeks before possession.

Renter Protocol:

  • Officially occupy your leased space.
  • If vacating a rental, clean and conduct a final walk-through with your landlord.
  • Upon moving in, perform an initial walk-through with your landlord to document pre-existing damage for the tenancy agreement.

Updating Your Address:

As your move approaches, updating your address with various services is essential. Here's a breakdown of when and how to do it:

Six Weeks Out:

  • Inform your home or tenant insurance provider of the move and explore insurance options for your new home.
  • Notify regular home maintenance service providers (e.g., gardeners, house cleaners) about your upcoming move and service cancelation.

Four Weeks Out:

  • Submit a change of address form and set up mail forwarding with Canada Post.
  • Inform utility providers (electricity, fuel, internet, cable, phone) about your change of address.

Two Weeks Out:

  • Begin notifying other organizations of your new address, such as your bank, schools, employer, doctor, and charities.
  • Institutions with records on file, like schools and medical offices, will need to forward your documents to your new providers.

By following this timeline, you can efficiently update your address without feeling overwhelmed by the administrative tasks associated with your move.

Moving Without a Moving Company: Essential Tips

Moving solo may seem daunting, but with proper preparation and support, it can be a smooth and even enjoyable experience. Here's how to tackle it:

  1. Identify Potential Roadblocks: Anticipate challenges like weather conditions or steep driveways, and plan backup strategies accordingly.

  2. Confirm Transportation: Rent a suitable vehicle, such as a trailer, van, or truck, based on your space needs. Ensure your license permits driving such vehicles.

  3. Consider Storage Rental: If moving in phases, consider renting a storage unit for seasonal or less used items to ease the transition.

  4. Get the Right Equipment: Invest in furniture sliders, straps, and dollies to ease the physical strain. Use pads, blankets, boxes, and bins for item protection.

  5. Allow Ample Time: Start early to avoid rushed moves, reducing the risk of injuries or damage. Dedicate a full day or weekend for the transition.

  6. Enlist Help: Rally friends and family for assistance, offering food and refreshments as incentives for their support.

By following these tips, you can navigate a successful move without the need for professional movers.

Benefits of Hiring a Moving Company:

Opting for professional movers can streamline your relocation, minimizing physical strain and expediting the process. Consider these key factors when selecting a moving company:

  1. Evaluate Services: Research and compare moving companies to find one that aligns with your needs and budget.

  2. Know What Not to Pack: Understand items movers typically won't transport, such as hazardous materials, live plants, pets, and valuables without proper insurance.

  3. Assist Your Movers: Facilitate the moving process by providing a designated parking spot and ensuring clear pathways for easy access.

After the move, ensure to sign the bill of lading, detailing the inventory moved, for your records.

First Steps Upon Moving In:

Once the boxes are unpacked, it's time to prioritize your next moves. Here's what to consider:

  1. Inspect Your Space: Whether renting or buying, check for any damage, deficiencies, or missing items agreed upon in your contract. Take photos of the unit's condition, especially if renting, to ensure agreement with your landlord.

  2. Check Safety Devices: Prioritize checking smoke and CO2 detectors to ensure they're functional for your safety.

Your initial tasks upon moving in set the tone for your new chapter, ensuring a smooth transition into your new home.

Tips for a Smooth Move:

  1. Plan Time Off: Allocate a day or two off work to focus solely on the move and unpacking, ensuring a stress-free transition.

  2. Arrange Cleaning Services: Book a house cleaner to tackle the cleaning tasks at your previous and new home, alleviating the burden of this chore.

  3. Document Electronics: Take photos of the setup of your electronics before packing them to simplify re-installation at your new place.

  4. Organize a Moving Binder: Create a comprehensive moving binder, whether physical or digital, to store all essential contacts, timelines, and information for easy reference.

  5. Refill Prescriptions: Prior to moving, refill any prescription medications to avoid last-minute rushes to set up accounts at new pharmacies.

  6. Consider Pre-Paint: If possible, paint your new space before unpacking to personalize it and make it feel like home.

  7. Involve Kids: Engage children in the moving process to turn it into a bonding experience and create lasting memories.

  8. Pack a Celebration: Include a bottle of bubbly or sparkling juice in your open-first box to toast to your new chapter and space.

By following these tips, you can streamline the moving process, reduce stress, and settle into your new home smoothly.


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